

  1. Unique Walls offer free delivery to the UK, on all orders over £290.
  2. Any order with delivery beyond the UK borders must be determined in a case by case basis with The Seller.
  3. Packages are sent via courier.
  4. Packaging for transport and all other packaging are not subject to return, according to the guidelines for packaging. The Buyer agrees to the disposal of containers at their own expense.
  5. Estimated delivery time is approximately between 10 - 15 working days which is calculated from the change of status "in development" or "final confirmation of pictures with faults" and the day of shipment of the finished product to the courier company.
  6. The Seller is not responsible for any damage caused by the courier.
  7. Orders with different processing time are sent after completion of all orders, mainly after the longest of these. Some of the completed products can be sent individually, in particular an order exceeding the size of a typical courier.
  8. Extending the time of delivery does not relieve The Buyer from keeping the conditions of the purchasing contract, and in particular at the delivery process.
  9. For delivery of goods not fulfilling the provisions of the agreement caused by a fault of The Seller, The Buyer agrees to grant The Seller an additional deadline for making the order in not less than 2 weeks.